Stata 15/16/17 For Windows 10 & 11 Download Free

Stata For Windows is a statistical software application for Microsoft Windows. It is a powerful solution that helps users analyze data and create graphs and models to understand their results more clearly. The application is designed to be user-friendly and provides a variety of features that are helpful for beginners and advanced users alike.

Its user-friendly interface is streamlined with an easy-to-understand layout that includes multiple windows and panels. This allows users to access the entire suite of statistical, graphical, and data management tools with just a few clicks or drag-and-drops.


Users can reshape their data, create group-level variables for panel or longitudinal data, graph a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve or impulse response function (IRF), perform a case-control analysis or random-effects count-data model, and more.

The solution can also help them manage their data with the Variable Manager, which makes it easier to rename and move variables around, change formats, add notes, set types, and more.

Another important feature of the solution is that it can automatically record and document any analyses that users conduct. This way, they can review and evaluate all their analyses and ensure that they are accurate and error-free. In addition to this, the system also allows users to share their recorded sessions with others. The tool can also be used to create scripts that duplicate or replicate any analysis that they have performed.

Supporting Languages

Additionally, the application can be used in different languages, including English, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. This is because it is built on a modular architecture and the code that Stata uses to build its GUI is shared across all platforms. This means that the solution is fully programmable, and its code is easy to read and modify.

In addition to its graphical user interface, Stata offers a command line interface that allows users to input commands and run them. Its command line features are easy to learn and offer the same functionality as its graphical user interface. It is an ideal option for programmers and developers who want to automate their work.

Click the “StataSE 18” link to download the 64-bit version. Once the download completes, run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install the application. Once the installation is complete, start the Stata program by clicking on the icon in the Start menu.

Educational Support

Stata is available for students, faculty, and staff at Marquette University to use for research on a limited-use license. However, you must have a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows to install it. Please do not share the Stata executable file with anyone else. Doing so will jeopardize the usage of our site license. If you have questions about using the software, please contact the IT Support Desk.

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